Vigantol ADE Fuerte by Elanco

$79.99 + TX

1 in stock


Vigantol ADE Strong is a formulation that is offered directly to prevent vitamin A, D, and E deficiency in all species; It can be administered in the same way as vaccination against infectious diseases or deworming.

Vigantol ADE contains the group of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, in a special formulation that allows rapid absorption and availability from the application site; Moreover, this advantage allows it to be administered in water, and is highly recommended for deficiency therapy of these vitamins.

Vigantol ADE strong is indicated in cases of:

• Loss of defenses due to stress or infections, particularly diarrhea, pneumonia and paresis of the offspring.
• Convalescence from illness.
• Infertility of females (sterility due to deficiencies) due to ovarian hypofunction.
• Low fecundity of stallions (e.g. shortage or deformation of sperm, lack of libido).
• In sows, prevention of prenatal death; for small litters and application at the time of weaning.
• Organic and muscular metabolic disorders (e.g., white muscle disease in calves).
• Rickets of growing animals.
• Osteomalacia of adult animals.
• Mineral metabolism disorders due to an unbalanced diet.
• Malacia (“pica”, cannibalism, perverted appetite).
• To ensure the normal development of the embryo and foetus, and to increase the life force of newborns (application 4 to 6 weeks before delivery).
• In the intensive fattening of cattle.
• In the preparation of animals for exhibition, races, etc.
• In myocardial lesions, “cramping” of lambs.
• In birds, in the process of immunosuppression, together with vaccination and as an adjuvant in infectious

processes In cases of a marked vitamin deficiency, the restoration is accelerated with difficulty when accompanying the therapy of strong Vigantol ADE with the application of Catosal with vitamin B12. In addition, the administration of minerals such as Superbayphos or Magnaphoscal is very convenient.

Additional information

Weight .05 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 4 × 4 in


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